Line màu đỏ ở DB connections count metric
Câu hỏi:
Đường màu đỏ trong DB connections (Count) metrics trên có ý nghĩa gì?
Câu trả lời của AWS:
Thank you for your continued patience and I really apologies for delay in response!
I understand, you have query related to number of database connection limit and the what does red line indicate. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
I would like to inform you that RDS SQl Server follow the maximum connection limit as per Microsoft which is 32767. Please refer the below document for more information and future reference:
Regarding the red line observed in the CloudWatch metrics , it is generally ignorable. In general, it is indicator that for this instance class, how many number of connection are advisable, but this can vary based on customer application\kind of activity they are doing. So, as long you don't see any performance issues in RDS , you can safely ignore this.
I hope this information helps, please do let me know if you have any further question regarding this process.
Awaiting for your kind response!
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Best regards,
Pooja S.
Amazon Web Services