[AWS Certified networking] Buổi 0.2 – Conquer Containers & Serverless

Containers Orchestrators

Container basics

Containers 101: A Box for Your Applications

Imagine a container as a self-contained box for your application. Inside this box, you have everything your application needs to run: its code, libraries, configuration files, and any runtime dependencies. This way, your application is isolated from the rest of the system and runs in a consistent environment, regardless of the underlying machine.

Key Advantages of Containers

  • Lightweight: Unlike virtual machines (VMs) that require a full guest operating system, containers share the host machine’s kernel. This makes them much faster to start and stop, and they consume fewer resources.

  • Isolation: Each container runs in its own isolated space, ensuring applications don’t interfere with each other or the host system. This enhances security and stability.

  • Portability: Containers are package deals. You can easily move them between different machines (physical or cloud-based) as long as they have a compatible container runtime environment. This simplifies deployment and streamlines development workflows.

  • Scalability: Need to ramp up your application? Since containers are lightweight, you can easily spin up more instances to handle increased load. Scaling down is just as simple.

Under the Hood: Sharing vs. Isolation

Containers share the host machine’s kernel, which is the core of the operating system. This shared kernel is what makes them lightweight and efficient. But how do they stay isolated? Containers have their own user space, which includes the application code, libraries, and files it needs to run. This user space isolation ensures applications don’t see each other’s processes or files.

Namespaces and control groups are the two most important services in Linux:

Namespaces in Linux: A namespace is a part of the Linux kernel that divides up system resources so that processes running inside the namespace are separate from other processes. And so on. Each namespace will have its own process IDs (PIDs), address, network access, and other things.

Control groups: A control group (cgroup) is a way to limit how much CPU, RAM, disk I/O, or network I/O a process or the processes that run on it can use. This technology was first created by Google and is now part of the Linux kernel.

In Linux, namespaces and control groups work together to describe a container as a group of separate processes (namespace) that are limited in the resources they can use (cgroups).

Docker: A Popular Container Platform:

  • Docker is a widely used containerization platform. It allows you to create, manage, and deploy containers easily.

  • Key Docker components:

    • Images: Read-only templates for containers.

    • Containers: Runnable instances of images.

    • Docker Engine: The runtime that builds, runs, and manages containers.

  • Docker simplifies the deployment of microservices and improves scalability, reliability, and operability of systems

Kubernetes (K8s): Container Orchestration:

  • Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform.

  • It automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

  • K8s ensures high availability, load balancing, and self-healing for containers.

  • Companies using Kubernetes observe significant improvements in system man

Docker Images and Layering

  • Image Anatomy: A Docker image is like a blueprint for a container. It contains all the instructions needed to create a container, including the operating system, application code, libraries, and configurations.

  • Power of Layering: Docker images are built in layers, where each layer represents a step in the build process. This layering system makes image creation efficient and allows for sharing of common base layers between different images.

Data Persistence: Volumes and Bind Mounts

  • The Challenge: Containers are ephemeral by nature. Once a container stops, any data created inside disappears. Volumes and bind mounts provide solutions for persisting data.

  • Volumes: Volumes are named storage locations that persist data outside the container. They act like external disks and can be mounted to containers, allowing data to be written and accessed even after the container restarts.

  • Bind Mounts: Similar to volumes, bind mounts allow you to link a directory on the host machine to a directory inside the container. This is useful for mounting configuration files or sharing data that needs to be accessed from both the container and the host.

Networking Magic: Creating Custom Networks

  • Default Network: By default, containers are connected to the Docker bridge network, allowing them to communicate with the host and other containers on the same network.

  • Custom Networks: For more complex deployments, you can create custom networks. This enables you to define specific network configurations, such as isolation levels or custom IP address ranges for your containerized applications.

Orchestration Powerhouse: Docker Compose

  • Managing Multi-Container Applications: Docker Compose simplifies the orchestration of multi-container applications. It allows you to define all your application’s services (containers) and their configurations in a single YAML file (docker-compose.yml).

  • Streamlined Workflows: With Docker Compose, you can easily build, run, and scale your entire application with a single command. This makes development, testing, and deployment workflows much more efficient.

Beyond Docker: Container Orchestration Platforms

  • Docker Swarm: While Docker Compose is great for smaller deployments, container orchestration platforms like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes are ideal for managing complex, large-scale containerized applications.

  • Swarm and Kubernetes: These platforms offer features like automated service scaling, health checks, and self-healing capabilities, ensuring your containerized applications are always running smoothly and efficiently.

Essential Dockerfile Instructions

  1. FROM: Start your Dockerfile by defining the base image your application will build upon. This is like choosing your foundation.
   FROM ubuntu:20.04  # Example based on Ubuntu 20.04
  1. WORKDIR: Sets the active working directory for subsequent commands. Think of it as your application’s home folder within the container.
   WORKDIR /app
  1. COPY: Brings files and folders from your local machine into the container’s file system. Perfect for your application code.
   COPY ./src /app  # Copies the local 'src' directory to the '/app' directory within the container
  1. RUN: Executes commands in the container during the build process. Use this to install dependencies, compile your code, etc.
   RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3
  1. CMD: Specifies the default command your container will execute when launched.
   CMD ["python3", "app.py"]
  1. EXPOSE: Informs Docker and others about the port(s) on which your containerized application will be listening for connections.
   EXPOSE 5000  # Typical port for a Flask application

Example Dockerfile (Node.js Application)

# Base image
FROM node:16-alpine

# Set working directory

# Copy package.json and package-lock.json (if applicable)
COPY package*.json ./

# Install dependencies 
RUN npm install

# Copy remaining project files
COPY . .

# Expose the port

# Define the default command
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Building and Running

  1. Save: Save your instructions as a text file named Dockerfile (no extension) in the root directory of your project.

  2. Build: Build an image from the Dockerfile:

   docker build -t my-image-name .
  1. Run: Create a container and run your image:
   docker run -p 80:8080 my-image-name


  • Each instruction creates a layer in the image. Docker tries to use existing layers to make the build process faster.

  • Consider using .dockerignore to exclude unnecessary files for a cleaner image.

Additional Tips

Here’s a breakdown of how to craft a Docker Compose file, focusing on the key components and concepts.

Anatomy of a Docker Compose File

  • Version: Specifies the Compose file format version, ensuring compatibility.
   version: "3.9"  # Adjust the version number as needed
  • Services: This is the heart of your file – it’s where you define your application’s components, each represented as a service represented by a name (e.g., ‘web’, ‘backend’, ‘database’).
       image: your-web-image:latest 
         - "80:8080"  
       image: mysql:8.0  
         MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: mysecretpassword

Key Properties in a Service Definition

  • image: The Docker image to use for the container.

  • build: Instructs Docker to build an image from a Dockerfile in a specified directory

  • ports: Maps container ports to the host’s ports (e.g., “host_port:container_port”)

  • depends_on: Specifies service dependencies for startup and shutdown order.

  • volumes: Define data volumes. Can be named or define a host path to mount (e.g., “./data:/var/lib/mysql”)

  • environment: Sets environment variables for your container.

  • networks: Attaches your services to specific networks for communication.

Example docker-compose.yml (Simple Web Application)

version: "3.9" 

    image: my-web-app:latest 
      - "80:80"
      - database 
    image: postgres:14
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypassword 
      - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data


How to Use It

  1. Create File: Save your instructions as docker-compose.yml at the root of your project.

  2. Bring it Up: Run docker-compose up -d to create, start, and attach to containers for services (the -d flag runs in the background).

  3. Bring it Down: Run docker-compose down to stop and remove containers and networks.


  • Reference: Explore the full list of options in the official Docker Compose documentation: https://docs.docker.com/compose/

  • Networks (Optional): If your services need to communicate, you can create custom networks in the networks section of the docker-compose.yml file.

Docker and VMs

Certainly! Let’s delve into the differences between Docker and Virtual Machines (VMs):

  1. Virtual Machines (VMs):

    • Definition: VMs are the emulation of physical computers within a host machine. Each VM instance runs its own guest operating system, and applications operate within this isolated environment.

    • Architecture:

      • VMs use a hypervisor (a piece of software) that controls VM instances on top of the host operating system.

      • Each VM has its own guest OS, which consumes more resources due to the need for OS-level virtualization.

      • Multiple VMs can run different applications on different operating systems.

    • Isolation and Compatibility:

      • VMs provide better isolation because they virtualize both the OS and the kernel.

      • They are compatible across different operating systems.

    • Resource Overhead:

      • VMs have higher resource overhead due to the need for separate guest OS instances.

      • Booting up VMs involves starting their own guest OS.

    • Use Cases:

      • VMs are well-suited for running multiple applications that require different OS environments.
  2. Docker Containers:

    • Definition: Docker containers are portable units of software that package applications along with their dependencies and configurations.

    • Architecture:

      • Containers run on top of the host operating system without booting up their own guest OS.

      • A container engine facilitates this, allowing multiple containers to share the same OS kernel.

    • Isolation and Compatibility:

      • Containers virtualize only the application layer and use the host OS kernel.

      • They offer lower overhead and quicker scaling.

      • Docker containers are suitable for modern microservices architectures.

    • Resource Efficiency:

      • Docker containers are lightweight and efficient, as they don’t emulate server hardware resources.

      • The focus is on abstracting the environment required by the app, rather than the physical server.

    • Use Cases:

      • Docker is ideal for microservices, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and scenarios where lightweight and fast-scaling containers are crucial.

VMs provide better isolation but come with higher resource overhead, while Docker containers are lightweight, efficient, and well-suited for modern application architectures.

Docker swarm

Docker Swarm is a built-in clustering tool for Docker. It allows you to turn a group of individual Docker engine instances (usually on separate machines) into a single, virtual Docker system. This lets you manage and deploy containerized applications across multiple machines.

Here’s how it works:

  • Swarm Nodes: Each machine running Docker can be configured as a Swarm node. These nodes can be manager nodes or worker nodes.

    • Manager Nodes: Manage the swarm cluster, schedule tasks (running containers), and ensure service availability. Usually, only a few nodes are managers.

    • Worker Nodes: Run the actual containers based on tasks assigned by the manager nodes.

  • Services: Define your application as a service. A service specifies the container image to use, deployment configuration (such as desired number of replicas), and any networking settings.

  • Tasks: When you deploy a service, Docker Swarm creates one or more “tasks” on the worker nodes. Each task represents a running instance of your containerized application.

Benefits of Docker Swarm:

  • Scalability: Easily add or remove nodes to scale your application up or down based on needs.

  • High Availability: If a node fails, Docker Swarm automatically reschedules tasks on other healthy nodes, ensuring your application remains available.

  • Load Balancing: Distribute traffic across multiple container instances for better performance and handling of spikes in traffic.

  • Simplified Management: Manage your containerized applications across multiple machines as a single unit.

Here’s when Docker Swarm might be a good choice:

  • You have a containerized application that needs to scale to handle varying workloads.

  • You want high availability for your application to ensure minimal downtime.

  • You need to manage deployments across multiple Docker engine instances.

However, Docker Swarm might not be ideal for:

  • Very small deployments with just a few containers.

  • Complex orchestration needs beyond basic scaling and high availability.

  • Environments requiring strict security isolation between applications (due to lower isolation compared to VMs).

Docker swarm example

Absolutely! Let’s illustrate Docker Swarm with a simple example of deploying a basic web application:


  • Multiple Machines (Nodes): You’ll need at least two machines running Docker Engine to set up a Swarm cluster. One will be a manager node, the other a worker node. For demonstration, you can use virtual machines.

  • Network Connectivity: Nodes need to be able to communicate with each other.


  1. Initialize the Swarm: On the manager node:
   docker swarm init

This will give you a ‘join token’ for adding worker nodes.

  1. Join Worker Node to Swarm: On the worker node, run the join command you obtained in the previous step. For example:
   docker swarm join --token <your_join_token> <manager_ip>:2377
  1. Create a Dockerfile: Defines the image to build for your web application. Here’s a basic one using Nginx:
   FROM nginx:alpine
   COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html
  1. Build the Image:
   docker build -t my-web-app .
  1. Create Overlay Network (Optional but recommended for service discovery):
   docker network create -d overlay my-network
  1. Define the Service: Create a docker-compose.yml file for your service:
   version: '3'
       image: my-web-app
         - 80:80
         - my-network
  1. Deploy the Service (Stack):
   docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml my-stack

What Happens:

  • Docker Swarm will distribute the ‘my-web-app’ image across your nodes (likely starting on the worker).

  • It creates replicas (as defined in your compose file or by default) of your containerized app.

  • The load balancer in Swarm ensures requests are distributed among replicas.

To Access the Application:

Direct your browser to the IP address of any node in your Swarm cluster (port 80), and you should see your web app’s content!


  • This is a simplified scenario. Real-world Swarm setups can involve more services, complex networking, and configuration for scaling and resilience.

  • Docker provides detailed tutorials (https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/) for expanding your knowledge.

Docker swarm vs K8s

Docker Swarm and Kubernetes (K8s) are both popular tools for container orchestration. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences to help you understand when to choose one over the other:

Key Areas to Compare

  • Ease of Use and Learning Curve:

    • Docker Swarm: Simpler to install, configure, and use due to its integration with the Docker ecosystem and familiar Docker commands.

    • Kubernetes: Has a steeper learning curve due to its diverse concepts and more complex architecture.

  • Features and Functionality

    • Docker Swarm: Provides core orchestration features like service discovery, load balancing, scaling, and basic self-healing (restart on failures). However, may require additional tools for complex deployment features.

    • Kubernetes: Offers a wider range of advanced features out-of-the-box for complex deployments, such as custom resource definitions, sophisticated service discovery, rolling updates, and more comprehensive self-healing.

  • Scalability

    • Docker Swarm: Scalability can be a challenge in very large clusters due to potential performance bottlenecks.

    • Kubernetes: Designed for massive scalability, supporting thousands of nodes and containers.

  • Security

    • Docker Swarm: Relies mainly on Docker’s security and transport layer security (TLS).

    • Kubernetes: Provides more robust security with features like role-based access control (RBAC), secrets management, network policies, and integration with various security tools.

  • Community and Support

    • Docker Swarm: Smaller community and less extensive third-party support compared to Kubernetes.

    • Kubernetes: Backed by a massive community, extensive documentation, and a rich ecosystem of third-party tools.

When to Choose Docker Swarm

  • Small to medium-scale deployments: If you have relatively simple container orchestration needs with moderate scaling.

  • Ease of use is a top priority: Docker Swarm’s simplicity makes it easier to get started and manage.

  • Integration with existing Docker workflow: Seamless integration with familiar Docker tools.

When to Choose Kubernetes

  • Large-scale and complex deployments: Designed to handle massive workloads and complex applications.

  • Flexibility and customization: Need for fine-grained control of your orchestration environment.

  • Extensive features: Need for sophisticated service discovery, rolling updates, pod scheduling, etc.

  • Robust community and support: Relying on a large, active community and rich third-party ecosystem.

Both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are powerful container orchestration tools. Docker Swarm offers simplicity and ease of use, while Kubernetes excels in scalability, flexibility, and features. The best choice depends on your specific requirements and the complexity of your applications.

More resources:




K8s basics

Container Orchestration Basics:

  • Definition: Container orchestration automates deployment, scaling, management, and networking tasks for containers.

  • Why It Matters: Kubernetes simplifies deploying applications across different environments without redesigning them.

  • Example: Imagine an app suggesting meals based on the time of day. Kubernetes ensures it runs consistently across various environments

Kubernetes Installation and Setup:

Kubernetes Architecture:

  • Control Plane Components:

    • Master: The control panel managing the cluster.

    • Node: A host capable of running containers.

  • Node Components:

    • Understand components like kubelet, kube-proxy, and container runtime (e.g., Docker).
  • Kubernetes Objects:

    • Pods: Basic deployable units containing one or more containers.

    • Services: Expose pods to the network.

    • ReplicaSets, Deployments: Manage pod replicas.

    • StatefulSets: Handle stateful applications.

    • Ingress Controllers: Manage external access to services.

Core Concepts:

  • Pods: The basic unit of deployment in K8s, consisting of one or more containers and shared storage. Understand pod lifecycle, management, and communication.

  • Namespaces: Logical partitions within a cluster to isolate resources and control access.

  • Deployments: Manage desired state of applications, controlling scaling, rolling updates, and rollbacks.

  • Services: Provide a stable network identity for pods, enabling service discovery and load balancing. Understand different service types (e.g., NodePort, LoadBalancer).

Application Deployment:

  • Deployment Strategies:

    • Rolling updates, blue-green deployments, and canary releases.
  • Writing Configurations:

    • Use YAML or JSON files to define Kubernetes resources.

    • Create pods, services, deployments, etc.

Resource Management:

  • Resource Requests and Limits: Specify resource requirements (CPU, memory) for pods to ensure proper allocation and prevent resource starvation.

  • Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs): Provide persistent storage for containerized applications.


  • Kubernetes Network Policy: Control network traffic flow between pods and enforce security policies.

  • Service Discovery: Understand how pods discover services within the cluster using DNS or service endpoints.


  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Define permissions for users and service accounts to access Kubernetes resources.

  • Secrets Management: Securely store sensitive data like passwords and tokens used by applications within Kubernetes.

Cluster Management:

  • Kubectl Command-Line Tool: The primary tool for interacting with your Kubernetes cluster. Understand basic commands for deploying applications, managing resources, and troubleshooting.

  • Cluster Configuration: Different ways to configure your Kubernetes cluster (e.g., kubeadm, managed K8s services), including high-level concepts like node pools and scaling.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Understand tools and strategies for monitoring cluster health, application performance, and troubleshooting issues using logs.

Additional Considerations:

  • Helm Package Manager: A popular tool for managing Kubernetes applications as Helm charts, simplifying deployment and configuration.

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Integrate Kubernetes deployments into your CI/CD pipelines to automate application delivery.

Learning Resources:

Sample lab guide:

Here’s a comprehensive lab guide designed to give you a hands-on exploration of a wide range of Kubernetes features.


  • Kubernetes Cluster: You can use:

  • Kubectl: Installed and configured to interact with your cluster.

  • Basic Docker Understanding: You’ll need to create container images for some exercises.

Lab Sections

1. Core Concepts

  • Pods:

    • Create different pod types (single container, multi-container).

    • Experiment with lifecycle hooks (init containers, postStart, preStop).

    • Understand termination and eviction.

  • Deployments:

    • Deploy an application using a deployment.

    • Perform rolling updates and rollbacks.

    • Explore different update strategies.

  • Services:

    • Expose pods using different service types (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer).

    • Simulate external service access using Ingress (if your cluster supports it).

2. Resource Management

  • Requests and Limits:

    • Set resource requests and limits for pods, experience their impact on scheduling.

    • Observe behavior under resource contention.

  • Persistent Volumes and Claims:

    • Provision static and dynamic persistent volumes.

    • Attach PVs to pods, test data persistence.

3. Networking

  • Network Policies:

    • Create basic network policies to allow or deny specific pod-to-pod traffic.

    • Test communication after applying the policies.

  • Advanced Service Discovery (Optional):

  • If your cluster has CoreDNS, try custom DNS-based service discovery.

4. Security

  • RBAC:

    • Create roles, role bindings, and service accounts.

    • Test different authorization levels.

  • Secrets and ConfigMaps

    • Store and consume secret data from inside pods.

    • Mount ConfigMaps as volumes for application configuration.

  • Pod Security Policies (Optional):

    • If supported, create security policies to restrict privileged container operations.

5. Cluster Operations

  • Scaling:

    • Manually and horizontally scale deployments.

    • Experiment with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).

  • Node Management:

    • Add/remove nodes (if possible in your environment).

    • Practice draining nodes for maintenance.

  • Logging and Monitoring:

    • Set up basic logging and monitoring for a test application. Tools will vary based on your cluster provider or your own setup.

6. Advanced Topics (Choose based on interest)

  • Helm:

    • Package and deploy a simple application using Helm.

    • Explore public Helm repositories for available software.

  • Operators:

    • Deploy a basic operator (Example: Prometheus Operator)

    • Create a custom resource for the deployed operator.

  • StatefulSets:

    • Deploy an application requiring ordering and persistent identities using StatefulSets.

Some more resources:






Lab Setup

  • Ensure you have: A running Kubernetes cluster and configured kubectl. Minikube is convenient for this.

  • Text Editor: For creating YAML manifests.

Lab 1: Pods

Single-Container Pod

  • pod.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-pod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:alpine
  • Apply the manifest: kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Explore Pod Details:

  • List pods: kubectl get pods

  • Describe a pod: kubectl describe pod nginx-pod (observe status, events, etc.)

Access the Pod (Temporarily):

  • Run an interactive shell inside the pod: kubectl exec -it nginx-pod -- /bin/sh

  • You’re now inside the container. Try basic commands like ls, ps. Exit the shell.

Multi-Container Pod

  • Modify pod.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: multi-container-pod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:alpine
  - name: helper
    image: busybox
    command: ["sleep", "3600"] # Long-running helper container
  1. Apply: kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

  2. Describe: kubectl describe pod multi-container-pod (See multiple containers)

Lifecycle Hooks

  • Create lifecycle-pod.yaml. Add the following to the Nginx container spec:
      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from postStart!"]
      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Stopping..."]
  • Apply, then check logs: kubectl logs lifecycle-pod -c nginx (observe hook outputs)

Lab 2: Deployments


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 2 # Creates 2 pods
      app: nginx 
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:alpine

Apply: kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Verify Deployment:

  • kubectl get deployments

  • kubectl get pods (You should see multiple nginx pods)

Perform a Rolling Update:

  • Edit deployment.yaml, change the image tag (e.g., to nginx:1.23-alpine)

  • Apply again: kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

  • Observe rolling updates with kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment


  • View rollout history: kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deployment

  • Rollback to a revision: kubectl rollout undo deployment/nginx-deployment --to-revision=<revision-number>

Modify the image tag in your deployment file, reapply it, and observe the rollout process with kubectl rollout status.

Lab 3: Services

  1. ClusterIP Service

    • service.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
    app: nginx
  type: ClusterIP 
  - port: 80 
    targetPort: 80

Apply, test access within the cluster (Requires additional pods and network tools).

NodePort Service

  • Change type to NodePort in service.yaml.

  • Access the service on a node’s IP and the exposed NodePort (e.g., http://<nodeIP>:<NodePort>).

LoadBalancer (Cloud-Specific)

  • Change type to LoadBalancer in service.yaml.

  • Cloud providers will provision an external load balancer (this might take a few minutes). Get the IP with kubectl get services

Lab 4: Ingress


  • You have a running Kubernetes cluster.

  • You have an Ingress controller installed and running. Minikube has a built-in addon for this. For other clusters, popular options include NGINX Ingress Controller, Traefik, etc.

Scenario: You have two services deployed in your cluster:

  • app-frontend: A web application on port 80

  • app-api: An API service on port 3000

Goal: Configure an Ingress to route external traffic like this:

  • /api/* -> app-api service

  • / (and anything else) -> app-frontend service


Enable Ingress (If needed):

  • Minikube: minikube addons enable ingress

  • Other Clusters: Refer to the documentation for your specific Ingress controller installation process.

Create an Ingress Manifest (ingress.yaml):

   apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 
   kind: Ingress
     name: my-ingress
     annotations: # Optional, but might be required for some ingress controllers
       kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx 
       - host: my-app.example.com # Your desired hostname
             - path: /api/*
               pathType: Prefix
                   name: app-api
                     number: 3000
             - path: /
               pathType: Prefix
                   name: app-frontend
                     number: 80

Apply the Ingress:
bash kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

How it Works:

  • The Ingress controller watches for Ingress resources.

  • Rules define routing based on hostnames and paths:

    • Incoming requests to my-app.example.com/api/something go to the app-api service.

    • Any other request to my-app.example.com goes to app-frontend.

Access your Application

  • Method: How you access the app depends on your cluster setup:

    • Minikube: minikube tunnel may be needed. Obtain IP from kubectl get ingress.

    • Cloud Clusters: External load balancers will have a public IP.

  • You should be able to reach your services using the hostname defined in your Ingress.

Important Notes

  • Hostname Configuration: You’ll need a way to point your desired hostname (my-app.example.com) to your cluster’s ingress controller (DNS configuration).

  • Ingress Controllers: Specific annotations may vary between Ingress controllers. Refer to their documentation.

Additional Capabilities

Ingress can do much more:

  • Path-based routing, regular expressions

  • TLS termination (HTTPS)

  • Load balancing configurations

  • Integration with external tools

More: https://github.com/tc-archive/k8s-the-hard-way




ECS vs. EKS: Choosing the right tool, hybrid deployments

AWS offers two primary container orchestration services: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Here’s a breakdown of their basics and how to choose the right tool for your needs:

Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)

  • Managed Service: Fully managed by AWS, taking care of underlying infrastructure like cluster provisioning, scaling, and health monitoring.

  • Flexibility: Supports various container orchestration technologies, including native AWS Fargate and integrations with Docker Swarm and Amazon ECS Compose (a reimagining of Docker Compose for ECS).

  • Ease of Use: Straightforward to set up and use, ideal for getting started with container orchestration or for those who prefer a managed approach.

Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

  • Kubernetes Focused: A managed Kubernetes service that provisions and scales Kubernetes clusters. You have more control over the underlying infrastructure compared to ECS.

  • Standardized Orchestration: Leverages the power and vast ecosystem of Kubernetes, offering extensive tooling and integrations.

  • Complexity: Kubernetes itself has a steeper learning curve compared to ECS’s more user-friendly approach.

Choosing the Right Tool

Here are some key factors to consider when deciding between ECS and EKS:

  • Experience: If you’re new to container orchestration, ECS with its managed approach and Fargate might be easier to start with.

  • Existing Skills: If your team has Kubernetes expertise, EKS offers a familiar environment and leverages that knowledge.

  • Flexibility: ECS provides more flexibility in terms of orchestration technologies, while EKS focuses on the Kubernetes standard.

  • Control Needs: If you need granular control over your cluster infrastructure, EKS might be preferable.

Hybrid Deployments

ECS and EKS can co-exist within your AWS infrastructure for specific use cases:

  • Run different workloads: Use ECS for simpler deployments and EKS for complex, stateful applications that benefit from Kubernetes features.

  • Phased migration: Gradually migrate from ECS to EKS for teams gaining Kubernetes experience.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

ManagementFully Managed by AWSManaged Kubernetes Service
Ease of UseSimplerMore Complex (Steeper Learning Curve)
ControlLess control over underlying infrastructureMore control over cluster infrastructure
Ideal forGetting started, simpler deploymentsComplex workloads, Kubernetes experience

Additional Considerations:

  • Cost: Both services have pay-as-you-go billing models, but EKS might incur additional costs due to potential management overhead compared to the fully managed ECS.

  • Integrations: Evaluate how well each service integrates with your existing AWS tools and workflows.

When to use ECS instead of EKS:

Scenario: Simple Microservices Architecture with Limited Kubernetes Experience

Let’s say you have the following requirements:

  • Containerized Application: You have a microservices-based application with a handful of stateless services that need orchestration.

  • Quick Deployment: You want the fastest and easiest way to deploy this application on AWS with a focus on quick development iterations.

  • Team Expertise: Your team is comfortable with Docker and basic container concepts but has minimal Kubernetes experience.

Why ECS is a Good Fit

  • Ease of Use and Simplicity: ECS offers a more streamlined setup process and reduces management overhead compared to Kubernetes.

  • AWS Fargate: Opting for Fargate as your compute engine further simplifies things, allowing you to focus on application development rather than cluster management.

  • Faster Deployment: With ECS, you can get your application up and running more quickly due to the simpler abstractions.

  • Learning Curve: If your team lacks Kubernetes expertise, the gentler learning curve of ECS is advantageous.

Why EKS Might Not Be Suitable

  • Increased Complexity: Kubernetes introduces a layer of complexity with concepts like pods, deployments, services, and much more. This might be overkill for a simple microservices architecture.

  • Management Overhead: Managing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster requires more operational effort, potentially distracting from development focus.

  • Slower Initial Setup: Setting up and configuring an EKS cluster has a steeper learning curve compared to getting started with ECS.


  • EKS Flexibility: If you anticipate needing complex Kubernetes features, scaling to a highly complex architecture over time, or leveraging existing Kubernetes knowledge, EKS might be a better long-term investment.

  • Future Migrations: Be aware that if in the future your application grows in complexity and requires more sophisticated Kubernetes features, migrating from ECS to EKS might require considerable effort.


Elastic Container Service (ECS), which is provided by AWS, is a tool for managing containers. Behind the scenes, it uses Docker and is easy to use and control. You can send your workloads to Amazon EC2, which is a virtual machine-based solution, or Amazon Fargate, which is a serverless solution.

This is a very flexible option that lets you host your containers in minutes. It’s simple to host, run, stop, and start your containers. ECS has tasks that help you run your container processes, just like Kubernetes’ pods do. A task can have one or more containers that are put together logically. You may also put together more than one job into a service. Services are like Kubernetes controllers, which keep track of tasks and make sure that the right number of copies of them are going at the right time in the right places. ECS lets you do a lot of things with simple API calls, like adding, changing, reading, and removing tasks and services.

ECS is an area service that runs in the cloud. When you set up an ECS cluster, the instances are spread out across several availability zones. Using simple manifests, you can plan your tasks and services in these zones. The ECS manifests are a lot like the docker-compose YAML manifests. In both, we tell Docker Compose what tasks to run and which tasks make up a service.

You can use a current virtual private cloud (VPC) to run ECS. There are several Availability Zones (AZ) in the VPC. You can choose to plan tasks in either AWS EC2 or AWS Fargate.

One or more EC2 servers can be linked to your ECS cluster. It’s also possible to connect an existing EC2 instance to a cluster by adding the ECS node agent to the instance. The agent tells the ECS scheduler about the jobs and the state of your containers. Then, it talks to the container software to set up the node’s containers. In the Kubernetes environment, they are like kubelet. You only pay for as many EC2 servers as you give to the cluster if you run your containers in them.

Anyone who wants to use Fargate doesn’t have to worry about the infrastructure; all they have to do is tell Fargate how much CPU and memory to give their container. The amount of CPU and memory that your container uses is what you pay for, not the resources that you give to the machines.

On your cluster, AWS ECS schedules containers using a task scheduler. It arranges your containers according to placement logic, availability, and cost constraints in the appropriate node of your cluster. Additionally, the scheduler makes sure that the appropriate number of jobs are executing on the node at the required time.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Anywhere:

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Anywhere is an extension of Amazon ECS that allows you to deploy native Amazon ECS tasks in any environment. This includes both the existing model on AWS-managed infrastructure and customer-managed infrastructure:

  1. With ECS Anywhere, you can run and manage container workloads on your own infrastructure.

  2. It provides a familiar, in-region ECS control plane, allowing you to reduce operational overhead and focus on innovation.

  3. ECS Anywhere helps you meet compliance requirements while leveraging your existing on-premises investments2.

Work with ECS:

Using Terraform (Infrastructure as Code)
  • Begin by installing the latest version of Terraform on your local machine.

  • Configure your AWS provider credentials for authentication.

  • Verify that Terraform is working by running terraform --version.

Create a Terraform Configuration File:

Install and Configure Terraform:

  • Create a new file (e.g., ecs-cluster.tf) to hold your Terraform configuration.

  • Declare the AWS provider and any required input variables upfront.

Define a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

  • Define a new VPC using the aws_vpc resource.

  • Specify the IPv4 CIDR block, tags, and other options.

  • Enable DNS hostnames for container discovery.

Create Public and Private Subnets:

  • Use the aws_subnet resource to create public and private subnets.

  • Reference the VPC ID and assign CIDRs and availability zones.

  • Public subnets should use Internet gateways, while private subnets use NAT gateways.

Configure Routing:

  • Define routing tables using aws_route_table.

  • Map subnets to Internet/NAT gateways using aws_route_table_association.

  • This enables connectivity.

Provision NAT and Internet Gateways:

  • Create NAT gateways using aws_nat_gateway.

  • Set up Internet Gateways with aws_internet_gateway to connect private and public subnets to the internet.

Create a Security Group:

  • Use aws_security_group to define firewall rules.

  • Allow HTTP/HTTPS ingress to ECS instances from the internet.

  • Group containers to isolate and reduce the attack surface.

Define IAM Roles and Policies:

  • Create an IAM role for ECS task execution using aws_iam_role.

  • Attach IAM policies to grant least privilege permissions for cluster agents and tasks.

Create EC2 Launch Templates:

  • Define EC2 Launch Templates specifying ECS-optimized Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), instance types, Docker configurations, etc.

  • These templates will be used for auto-scaling container instances.

Provision Auto Scaling Groups:

  • Use aws_autoscaling_group to create one or more auto-scaling groups of EC2 instances for ECS.

  • Base these groups on the previously defined launch templates and scaling policies.

Create the ECS Cluster Resource:

  • Use aws_ecs_cluster to provision an ECS cluster.

  • Specify the cluster name and resource tags.

Using the AWS Management Console

Log into AWS Cloud:

  • Access the AWS Management Console by logging into your AWS account.

Search for ECS Service:

Use the search bar at the top to find the ECS service.

  • Click on the ECS service to begin the setup process.

For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the Terraform guide or explore the AWS documentation.

More document to read:

Docker on Amazon Web Services: https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/cloud-and-networking/9781788626507/pref01

Docker for developer: https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/cloud-and-networking/9781789536058/pref


In today’s cloud-native world, containerization has become a cornerstone of application development and deployment. Kubernetes, a powerful container orchestration platform, has emerged as the de facto standard for managing containerized workloads at scale. However, setting up and managing a Kubernetes cluster can be a complex task, especially for those new to the technology. This is where AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) comes in.

EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the provisioning, operation, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters on the AWS cloud platform. By taking care of the control plane management, EKS allows you to focus on your applications and workloads without getting bogged down in the intricacies of Kubernetes infrastructure.

1. Kubernetes Fundamentals (10 minutes)

1.1 The Need for Container Orchestration

In the realm of containerized applications, managing a collection of containers across multiple hosts becomes increasingly challenging as the number of containers and their interdependencies grow. This is where container orchestration tools like Kubernetes step in.

Container orchestration automates the deployment, scaling, management, and networking of containerized applications, ensuring that your applications are highly available, resilient, and scalable. It eliminates the manual overhead of managing individual containers and provides a unified platform for managing complex containerized applications.

1.2 Core Kubernetes Components

Kubernetes clusters consist of three primary components:

  1. Nodes: The worker machines that run your containerized applications.

  2. Pods: The smallest deployable units in Kubernetes, encapsulating one or more containers and their shared resources.

  3. Control Plane: The management brain of the cluster, responsible for scheduling pods to nodes, maintaining the desired state of your applications, and exposing services for application communication.

2. AWS EKS: Managed Kubernetes on AWS (10 minutes)

2.1 What is AWS EKS?

AWS EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the provisioning, operation, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters on the AWS cloud platform. It eliminates the administrative overhead of managing the control plane, allowing you to focus on building and deploying containerized applications.

2.2 EKS Architecture

An EKS cluster comprises two main components:

  1. Managed Control Plane: Handled entirely by AWS, responsible for core Kubernetes tasks like scheduling, node management, and service provisioning.

  2. Worker Nodes: Managed by you, consisting of EC2 instances that run your containerized applications.

Amazon EKS Nodes

Amazon EKS clusters can schedule pods using three primary methods.

Self-Managed Nodes

An Amazon EC2 instance that Kubernetes pods can be scheduled on is referred to as a “node” in EKS. Pods link to the API endpoint of the EKS cluster. Node groupings are made up of nodes. A node group’s EC2 instances must all share the following:

  • Amazon instance type

  • Amazon Machine Image (IAM)

  • IAM role

A cluster may contain multiple node groups, each of which represents a distinct kind of instance or instances with distinct roles.

Managed Node Groups

Managed node groups can benefit from automated lifecycle management with Amazon EKS. This enables you to add, update, and terminate nodes automatically in a single action. With EKS, the most recent Linux AMIs from Amazon are optimized for use. To ensure there is no service interruption, EKS gently drains nodes when you terminate them. For administrative purposes, Kubernetes labels can be applied to a set of nodes with ease.

The Amazon EKS service manages EC2 Auto Scaling groups, which are used to run managed nodes. Which availability zones the groups should operate in is up to you to specify. Launching managed node groups can be done in a number of methods, such as via the Amazon CLI, eksctl, EKS interface, Amazon API, or Amazon automation tools like CloudFormation.

Amazon Fargate

A serverless container service called Amazon Fargate allows you to run worker nodes without having to worry about maintaining the underlying server infrastructure. Only the actual vCPUs and RAM consumed are charged by Fargate. It allocates more processing power based on what your cluster nodes truly require.

2.3 Benefits of Using AWS EKS

  • Simplified Cluster Management: EKS takes care of the control plane, reducing operational overhead.

  • Integration with AWS Services: Seamless integration with other AWS services like IAM, VPC, and CloudWatch.

  • Scalability and Availability: EKS automatically scales your cluster based on demand and ensures high application availability.

  • Security: Leverage AWS security features like IAM roles and VPC networking to secure your clusters.

2.4 Amazon EKS Networking

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), a safe private network inside an Amazon data center, is the operating environment for an Amazon EKS cluster. In one Amazon Region, EKS deploys all resources to an already-existing subnet within a VPC of your choosing.

Network interfaces used by the EKS control plane

A VPC under Amazon’s management hosts the EKS control plane. For every EKS cluster you create in your account, it builds and maintains the network interfaces. These network interfaces allow EC2 and Fargate instances to establish a connection with the EKS control plane.

EKS exposes a public endpoint by default. You can limit access to particular IP addresses and/or enable a private endpoint to add extra protection to your cluster. The VPC that your EKS cluster uses and other on-premises networks can be connected to each other.

Networking for EKS nodes

The EKS cluster uses a single subnet for each EC2 instance. There are two ways that you can define networking:

  • Create subnets using AWS CloudFormation templates; nodes in public subnets are assigned a public IP address and a private IP address derived from the CIDR block that the subnet uses.

  • If the EC2 instance is not a part of the subnet, you can still assign IP addresses to pods from any subnet by using the Container Networking Interface (CNI) for custom networking. The nodes must be launched with custom networking enabled.

3. EKS Setup Essentials (15 minutes)

3.1 Setting Up the Prerequisites

  1. AWS Account: An AWS account with administrative privileges is required.

  2. IAM Role for EKS: Create an IAM role with the necessary permissions for EKS to manage resources on your behalf.

  3. VPC and Subnets: Define a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and subnets to isolate your EKS cluster and its resources.

3.2 Creating an EKS Cluster

  1. eksctl Tool: Install the eksctl command-line tool for managing EKS clusters.

  2. Cluster Creation: Use eksctl create cluster to provision an EKS cluster, specifying the desired cluster name, node group configuration, and IAM role.

3.3 Configuring Worker Nodes

  1. Node Group Configuration: Define a node group configuration within the cluster creation command, specifying instance type, quantity, and other node configuration details.

  2. Auto Scaling: Configure autoscaling to automatically add or remove worker nodes based on application demands.

3.4 Verifying Cluster Health

Once your EKS cluster and worker nodes are provisioned, it’s crucial to verify that everything is operational and healthy before deploying applications. Here are the essential steps:

Validate Cluster Status:

  • Use the eksctl command to retrieve information about your EKS cluster:
    bash eksctl get cluster --name=your-cluster-name

  • Look for the “Status” field in the output. A successful cluster creation should display a status of “ACTIVE”.

Check Node Health:

  • Utilize the kubectl command line tool to interact with your cluster: kubectl get nodes

  • Observe the “STATUS” column in the output. All worker nodes should have a status of “Ready”, indicating that they are available to accept pods and workloads.

Troubleshooting (If necessary):

Key Points

  • Verifying cluster health is vital to ensuring workloads function correctly on your EKS deployment.

  • Use both the eksctl and kubectl tools to get details of your cluster’s components and their statuses.

  • Regularly monitoring the cluster and node statuses even after the initial setup will help maintain stability.

4. Deploying Applications on EKS (15 minutes)

4.1. Preparing Your Application

  1. Container Image: Begin by containerizing your application using Docker. Ensure that you have created a Docker image and pushed it to a container registry like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) or Docker Hub.

  2. Kubernetes Manifests: Create Kubernetes YAML manifests to define how your application should be deployed, including:

    • Deployment: Defines the desired state of your application deployment, specifying the container image, replicas, and resource requirements.

    • Service: Provides a mechanism to expose your application internally within the cluster and/or externally.

Example Deployment Manifest:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  replicas: 2
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app
        image: your-ecr-repo/my-app:latest 
        - containerPort: 80

4.2 Application Deployment

  1. kubectl: Install the kubectl command-line tool, the primary interface for interacting with Kubernetes and EKS.

  2. Context configuration: Configure kubectl with the credentials and details of your EKS cluster for management and interaction.

  3. Applying Manifests: Use kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml to create your deployment on the EKS cluster.

4.3 Monitoring Your Application:

  1. Monitoring Pods: Use kubectl get pods to monitor your application’s pods, checking their status and readiness.

  2. Viewing Logs: Use kubectl logs pod-name to inspect logs from your application containers.

  3. Describing Resources: Use kubectl describe pod pod-name to get detailed information about pods, including events, conditions, and resource utilization.

5. Important EKS Features (5 minutes)

5.1 Fargate

EKS Fargate provides a serverless compute option for running containerized workloads without the burden of managing EC2 instances. With Fargate, you define your pods and their resource requirements, and AWS handles the provisioning, scaling, and management of the underlying infrastructure.

5.2 EKS Add-ons

EKS provides pre-packaged add-ons to enhance your cluster functionalities. Some popular add-ons include:

  • VPC CNI: Enables advanced pod networking capabilities.

  • AWS Load Balancer Controller: Integrates with AWS load balancers for external traffic management.

  • Cluster Autoscaler: Scales your cluster’s worker nodes based on workload demand.

Next Steps

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Deploy several sample applications to EKS to reinforce your understanding.

  • AWS EKS Workshop: Dive deeper with hands-on tutorials provided by AWS (https://archive.eksworkshop.com/).

  • AWS EKS Documentation: Explore the official AWS EKS documentation for an in-depth technical reference (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/).

Fargate: Use cases, trade-offs vs. managing your own compute

While EKS excels at managing Kubernetes clusters, provisioning and managing worker nodes (EC2 instances) can add complexity. This is where AWS Fargate comes in. Fargate offers a serverless compute option for running containerized applications on EKS, eliminating the need to manage EC2 instances directly.

Use Cases for Fargate with EKS

Here are some scenarios where Fargate shines within the EKS ecosystem:

  • Simplified Workload Management: Fargate removes the burden of provisioning, configuring, scaling, and maintaining EC2 instances for your worker nodes. It allows you to focus solely on your application deployments and container orchestration using Kubernetes.

  • Rapid Scaling: Fargate automatically scales your containerized workloads based on resource needs. This is ideal for applications with fluctuating traffic patterns or unpredictable resource demands.

  • Reduced Operational Overhead: Fargate eliminates the need for tasks like OS patching, security updates, and instance lifecycle management on worker nodes. This translates to significant savings in operational overhead and allows your team to dedicate more time to application development and management.

  • Cost Optimization: With Fargate, you only pay for the resources your containers consume. This eliminates the need to pay for idle EC2 instances, potentially leading to cost savings, especially for applications with variable workloads.

  • Improved Security: Fargate enforces a stronger security posture by isolating applications at the container level. This reduces the attack surface and simplifies security management.

Trade-offs of Using Fargate with EKS

While Fargate offers several advantages, there are also some trade-offs to consider:

  • Limited Customization: Fargate offers less control over the underlying infrastructure compared to managing your own EC2 instances. You have limited options for customizing the operating system or installing specific software on worker nodes.

  • Potential Cost Increase: Fargate billing is based on vCPU and memory usage per second. For highly resource-intensive applications, the cost might be higher compared to managing your own EC2 instances with reserved instances or spot instances.

  • Newer Feature Support: Since Fargate is a relatively new service, some advanced Kubernetes features might have limited support initially.

Fargate vs. Managing Your Own Compute

The choice between Fargate and managing your own compute on EKS depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here’s a quick guideline:

  • Choose Fargate if:

    • You prioritize simplicity and reduced operational overhead.

    • You have applications with variable workloads for cost optimization.

    • Security and isolation are top concerns.

  • Manage your own compute if:

    • You require granular control over the underlying infrastructure.

    • You have predictable workloads where cost optimization with reserved instances might be beneficial.

    • You need advanced Kubernetes features that might have limited Fargate support.

Ultimately, Fargate offers a compelling option for streamlining EKS deployments by removing the complexity of managing EC2 instances. It promotes a serverless approach, allowing you to focus on your applications and leverage the power of Kubernetes for container orchestration.

Serverless Deep Dive

API Gateway: Authorizers, caching, integration best practices

API gateways are crucial components of modern microservices architectures, serving as the central point of access for clients to consume APIs. They offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Security: Enforces authentication, authorization, and rate limiting to protect APIs from unauthorized access and abuse.

  • Visibility and Control: Provides a centralized platform for managing and monitoring API traffic, enabling insights into usage patterns and potential issues.

  • Performance: Offloads common tasks like routing, caching, and transformation from backend services, improving overall API responsiveness.

Authorizers in API Gateway

Authorizers are the gatekeepers of your API, determining who has access to which resources. Implementing robust authorization mechanisms is paramount to safeguarding sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.

Types of Authorizers

  • Lambda Authorizers: Custom authorization logic in AWS Lambda functions. Can be used to implement OAuth, SAML, or custom auth systems.

  • IAM Authorizers: Leverage AWS IAM roles and policies to manage access.

  • Cognito User Pools: Integrates with Amazon Cognito User Pools to handle authentication and user management.

Example 1:

Consider an e-commerce API gateway that exposes endpoints for managing customer orders. To secure these endpoints, you can implement RBAC, granting order management permissions only to authorized sales representatives. Additionally, enforce MFA for all API access to add an extra layer of security.

Example 2:

Consider a Lambda authorizer that validates JWT tokens. The Lambda function decodes the JWT, checks the signature, and then confirms the token’s claims before allowing access to the API endpoint.

import jwt

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    token = event['authorizationToken']
    decoded = jwt.decode(token, verify=True, algorithms=['HS256'], key='your_secret_key')
    return 'Allow' if decoded['user'] == 'authorized_user' else 'Deny'

API Gateway Lambda Authorizers

Lambda authorizers (formerly known as custom authorizers) allow you to control access to your API in Amazon API Gateway. When a client makes a request to your API’s method, API Gateway invokes your Lambda authorizer. The Lambda authorizer takes the caller’s identity as input and returns an IAM policy as output. Here are the key points:

Custom Authorization Scheme: You can use a Lambda authorizer to implement a custom authorization scheme. Your scheme can use request parameters to determine the caller’s identity or leverage bearer token authentication strategies such as OAuth or SAML.

Creating a Lambda Authorizer:

  • You can create a Lambda authorizer in the API Gateway REST API console, using the AWS CLI, or an AWS SDK.

  • The Lambda function authenticates the caller using various methods (OAuth provider, SAML provider, IAM policy generation, or database credentials).

  1. Authorization Workflow:
  • The client calls a method on an API Gateway API, passing a bearer token or request parameters.

  • API Gateway checks if the method request is configured with a Lambda authorizer.

  • If configured, API Gateway invokes the Lambda function.

  • The Lambda function authenticates the caller and returns an IAM policy and a principal identifier.

  • If the Lambda function doesn’t return this information, the call fails, and API Gateway responds with a 401 UNAUTHORIZED HTTP status.

  • If access is allowed, API Gateway invokes the method.

  • Authorization caching can be enabled to avoid invoking the Lambda authorizer function repeatedly.

2. Types of Lambda Authorizers:

  • REQUEST Authorizer: Receives the caller’s identity from headers, query string parameters, stage variables, and context variables. Useful for fine-grained policies based on multiple identity sources.

  • TOKEN Authorizer: Validates bearer tokens (e.g., OAuth tokens) directly.

  • COGNITO_USER_POOLS Authorizer: Validates Amazon Cognito user pool tokens.

3. Customizing Gateway Responses:

  • You can customize the 403 ACCESS_DENIED or 401 UNAUTHORIZED responses.

  • Learn more about gateway responses in API Gateway documentation.

For more details and practical examples, you can refer to the following resources:

  1. Use API Gateway Lambda authorizers – Amazon API Gateway

  2. The Ultimate Guide to API Gateways

  3. Mastering API Gateway Auth: Proven Methods for Secure Connectivity

  4. The Complete Guide to Custom Authorizers with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Caching: Enhancing API Performance

Caching frequently accessed data can significantly improve API performance by reducing the load on backend services and minimizing latency.


  • Time-to-Live (TTL): Defines how long the response should be stored before refreshing.

  • Cache Capacity: Properly sizing the cache to balance cost and performance.

  • Invalidation: Mechanism to purge outdated or sensitive data.

Best Practices:

  • Identify Cacheable Resources: Target frequently accessed, static data for caching, such as product catalogs or user profiles.

  • Choose an Appropriate Caching Strategy: Select an appropriate caching strategy based on access patterns and data characteristics. Consider in-memory caching for frequently accessed data and distributed caching for large datasets.

  • Set Optimal Cache Expiration Times: Determine optimal cache expiration times to balance freshness with performance. Shorter expiration times ensure data consistency, while longer times reduce cache misses.


An e-commerce API serving product details can implement in-memory caching to store frequently accessed product information. This reduces database load and improves response times for product detail retrieval.

Integrations: Connecting APIs and Backend Services

API gateways act as intermediaries between clients and backend services, enabling seamless integration and data exchange.

Best Practices:

  • Map API Requests to Backend Services: Effectively map API requests to the appropriate backend services, ensuring that requests reach the correct destinations.

  • Handle Transformations and Aggregations: Utilize API gateways to perform transformations and aggregations on data retrieved from backend services, reducing the complexity of client-side code.

  • Implement Fault Tolerance and Retries: Implement fault tolerance mechanisms to handle backend service failures, ensuring API availability and preventing cascading failures.


An API gateway can integrate with multiple backend services to provide a unified customer profile. It can retrieve data from various services, such as customer orders, shipping information, and payment details, and aggregate it into a single response for the client.

Best Practices for Integration

Endpoint Management

  • Versioning: Implement API versioning to manage changes and deprecation.

  • Endpoint Security: Secure endpoints using TLS to encrypt data in transit.

Error Handling

  • Implement comprehensive error handling in the API Gateway to respond with meaningful error codes and messages.


  • Protect backend services from traffic spikes by setting rate limits and quotas on your API methods.

Monitoring and logging

  • Enable logging and monitoring to track the usage of APIs and to detect anomalies. Use tools like AWS CloudWatch.

EventBridge: Filtering, event routing, and complex architectures

Amazon EventBridge:

  • Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that simplifies event-driven architectures. It allows applications to communicate via events without direct connections.

  • Key Concepts:

    • Event Bus: An event bus is a central hub where events are sent and received. You can create custom event buses or use the default one.

    • Event Patterns: These define the conditions for matching events. You can filter events based on specific fields or values.

    • Targets: EventBridge routes events to targets such as AWS Lambda functions, Step Functions, or other services.

  • Example: Imagine an application where user sign-ups trigger an email notification. EventBridge can route sign-up events to an email service without tight coupling.

Key Features of EventBridge:

  • Event Ingestion: Efficiently collects events from a diverse range of sources, including AWS services, applications, and external systems.

  • Event Filtering: Selectively processes events based on predefined criteria, ensuring that only relevant events are delivered to target applications.

  • Event Routing: Directs events to their intended destinations, such as AWS services, Lambda functions, or external systems.

  • Event Transformation: Modifies and enriches event data to suit the specific needs of target applications.

Event Filtering in EventBridge

Event filtering in EventBridge involves specifying JSON event patterns that match the events you want to route to different targets. This allows you to selectively trigger actions based on the content of the events.

For example, you can create an event pattern that matches when:

  • A field in the event falls within a specific numeric range.

  • The event originates from a specific IP address.

  • etc.

Event patterns are written in JSON and can include matching rules based on the event structure. For example, you can filter events based on source, detail type, and specific data points within the event.


  "source": ["aws.ec2"],
  "detail-type": ["EC2 Instance State-change Notification"],
  "detail": {
    "state": ["running"]

EventBridge offers powerful event filtering options that allow you to process only the events most relevant to your application. Advanced filtering techniques include:

  • JSONPath Expression-based Filtering: Use JSONPath expressions to extract specific values from event data and use them as filtering conditions.

  • Event Header-based Filtering: Filter events based on their headers, allowing you to process only events from specific sources.

  • Event Source-based Filtering: Filter events based on the source that generated them, enabling you to process only events from specific services or applications.

  • Event Size-based Filtering: Filter events based on the size of event data, allowing you to ignore large, unnecessary events.


Suppose you want to filter S3 events from EventBridge to only process events related to file uploads to a bucket. You could use the following JSONPath expression to extract the filename from event data and only process events with filenames ending in .jpg or .png:

$.detail.object.key LIKE '*.jpg' || $.detail.object.key LIKE '*.png'

Event routing

Event routing in EventBridge involves directing events from the event bus to specific targets such as AWS Lambda functions, SQS queues, SNS topics, or even custom HTTP endpoints based on the filters you set.

Routing Strategy

Design a routing strategy that includes:

  • Multiple rules for different event types.

  • Prioritizing rules for handling overlapping patterns.

  • Using dead-letter queues to handle failed event deliveries.

EventBridge provides multiple event routing options that allow you to distribute events to multiple destinations based on specific criteria.

Complex event routing

Complex routing techniques include:

  • Rule-based Routing: Use EventBridge rules to route events based on advanced filtering conditions, including JSONPath expressions, event headers, event sources, and event size.

  • Event Map-based Routing: Use EventBridge event maps to map events to specific SNS or SQS topics based on event attributes.

  • Lambda-based Routing: Use a Lambda function to process events and determine the routing destination for each event.

  • Multi-destination Routing: Route events to multiple destinations simultaneously, allowing you to process events in multiple ways.


Suppose you want to route S3 events from EventBridge to both a data warehouse and an analytics system. You could use an EventBridge rule to route events to the data warehouse if the file size is less than 1MB and route events to the analytics system if the file size is greater than 1MB.

Complex Architectures Using EventBridge

EventBridge can be used to build complex event-driven architectures involving multiple event sources, destinations, and routing rules. Common architectural patterns include:

  • Hub-and-spoke Architecture: Use EventBridge as a central hub to collect and distribute events to many different services and applications.

  • Chain Architecture: Connect multiple event sources and destinations using EventBridge to route events through a chain of rules and transformations.

  • Distributed Architecture: Use EventBridge to distribute events across multiple AWS regions and data centers for increased scalability and availability.

Example 1:

Suppose you’re building an e-commerce application with multiple event sources, including orders, shipments, and payment status updates. You could use EventBridge to collect all these events and then route them to the appropriate services and applications for processing. For instance, orders could be routed to an order management system, shipments could be routed to a tracking system, and payment updates could be routed to a fraud detection system.

Example 2:

Let’s consider a scenario where you need to build a real-time data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources (e.g., IoT devices, web applications, and third-party APIs), performs data transformations, and stores the processed data in a data lake for further analysis.

In this architecture, you can:

  1. Use EventBridge to capture events from various sources, such as AWS IoT Core for IoT device data, API Gateway for web application events, and partner event sources for third-party API events.

  2. Route these events to an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon Kinesis data stream for data transformation and preprocessing.

  3. Use AWS Glue or AWS Lambda to move the transformed data into an Amazon S3 data lake.

  4. Trigger an AWS Glue ETL job or an Amazon EMR cluster to perform further data processing and analysis on the data in the data lake.

  5. Use Amazon QuickSight or other BI tools to visualize and analyze the processed data.

This event-driven architecture leverages EventBridge as the central event bus, enabling you to ingest, process, and analyze data from various sources in a scalable and efficient manner.

Cross-Account Event Triggering

EventBridge event buses allow you to receive and route events within your AWS account. However, you can also use event buses to receive events from other AWS accounts or send events to other AWS accounts. This capability enables cross-account event triggering, which is useful in scenarios where you need to coordinate workflows or share data between multiple AWS accounts.

To enable cross-account event triggering with EventBridge event buses, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an Event Bus in the Sending Account

In the AWS account that will be sending events (the source account), create an EventBridge event bus. You can create a custom event bus or use the default event bus.

  1. Grant Permission to the Receiving Account

In the sending account, grant permission to the receiving account (the account that will receive the events) to send events to the event bus you created in step 1. You can do this by creating an EventBridge resource-based policy and attaching it to the event bus.

Here’s an example resource-based policy that grants the receiving account (specified by the AWS account ID) the PutEvents permission on the event bus:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<receiving-account-id>:root"
      "Action": "events:PutEvents",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:<region>:<sending-account-id>:event-bus/<event-bus-name>"

Replace <receiving-account-id>, <region>, <sending-account-id>, and <event-bus-name> with the appropriate values for your accounts and event bus.

  1. Create an Event Bus Policy in the Receiving Account

In the receiving account, create an EventBridge event bus policy that allows the sending account to send events to this account’s event bus. You can create a custom event bus or use the default event bus.

Here’s an example event bus policy that grants the sending account (specified by the AWS account ID) the PutEvents permission on the event bus:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<sending-account-id>:root"
      "Action": "events:PutEvents",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:<region>:<receiving-account-id>:event-bus/<event-bus-name>"

Replace <sending-account-id>, <region>, <receiving-account-id>, and <event-bus-name> with the appropriate values for your accounts and event bus.

  1. Send Events from the Sending Account

In the sending account, you can now send events to the event bus you created in step 1. These events will be delivered to the receiving account’s event bus, as specified by the permissions you set up in steps 2 and 3.

You can send events using the EventBridge PutEvents API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs.

  1. Set Up Event Rules and Targets in the Receiving Account

In the receiving account, set up event rules and targets to process the events received from the sending account. EventBridge supports various targets, such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon SNS topics, Amazon SQS queues, and more.

By following these steps, you can establish cross-account event triggering using EventBridge event buses. This allows you to build event-driven architectures that span multiple AWS accounts, enabling you to share data, coordinate workflows, and integrate applications across different organizational boundaries or environments.

Real-world Example:

Imagine you have a centralized logging account (Account A) and multiple application accounts (Accounts B, C, D). You want to send log events from the application accounts to the centralized logging account for analysis and monitoring.

  1. In Account A (centralized logging account), create an EventBridge event bus and grant permissions to Accounts B, C, and D to send events to this event bus.

  2. In Accounts B, C, and D (application accounts), create event bus policies that allow Account A to receive events from their event buses.

  3. In Accounts B, C, and D, set up event rules to send log events from their applications to the event bus shared with Account A.

  4. In Account A, create event rules and targets (e.g., AWS Lambda functions, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams) to process and analyze the log events received from Accounts B, C, and D.

This cross-account event triggering architecture allows you to centralize log processing and monitoring while keeping application workloads isolated in separate accounts, improving security and enabling better resource management.

See more about event bridge & use cases:




SQS: Long polling, visibility timeouts, dead letter queues

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a highly scalable, managed message queuing service offered by AWS. It allows you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. SQS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and operating message-oriented middleware.

Long Polling: Unveiling the Efficient Polling Mechanism

Traditional polling involves a client repeatedly sending requests to a server to check for new messages. However, this approach can be inefficient and resource-intensive, especially for high-volume messaging scenarios. Enter long polling, an elegant solution that optimizes polling efficiency.

Long polling is a mechanism used to improve the efficiency of receiving messages from SQS. Instead of sending a request to receive a message, not receiving any messages, and then sending another request (the traditional way of receiving messages), long polling allows you to wait for new messages to arrive in the queue.

When using long polling, SQS doesn’t respond immediately if there are no messages available in the queue. Instead, it waits for a specified period (the default is 20 seconds) for new messages to arrive. If a new message arrives during this time, SQS responds immediately with the message. If no new messages arrive within the specified period, SQS responds with an empty response.

Long polling helps reduce the number of empty responses, saving bandwidth and reducing costs. It also helps decrease the latency in receiving messages, ensuring that messages are processed promptly.

Advanced Example: Imagine you have an e-commerce web application where new orders placed by customers are sent to an SQS queue. You can use long polling to ensure that new orders are received and processed quickly, enhancing the customer experience.

How Long Polling Works:

  1. Establish Connection: The client establishes a long-lived HTTP connection with the SQS server.

  2. Initial Request: The client sends an initial request to check for messages.

  3. Server Response: If messages are available, the server immediately returns them to the client.

  4. No Messages: If no messages are available, the server holds the connection open and waits for a specified long polling timeout period.

  5. Message Arrival: During the timeout period, if new messages arrive, the server sends them to the client, closing the connection.

  6. Timeout Reached: If the timeout period elapses without new messages, the server closes the connection, and the client can initiate another long polling request.

Benefits of Long Polling:

  • Reduced Server Load: Minimizes the number of requests sent to the server, reducing server load and improving overall efficiency.

  • Improved Latency: Enables faster message retrieval compared to traditional polling, reducing latency and improving responsiveness.

  • Resource Optimization: Conserves client resources by avoiding unnecessary polling requests when no messages are available.


If you set ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds to 10 seconds, SQS waits 10 seconds for a message to arrive. If no message arrives within 10 seconds, it returns an empty response. If a message arrives after 3 seconds, the call returns the message immediately.

How to Implement Long Polling

To enable long polling, set the ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds parameter on your queue (or in your receive message call) to a value between 1 second and 20 seconds. This setting tells SQS how long to wait for a message to arrive before returning a response.

Example command for long polling:

aws sqs receive-message --queue-url [YourQueueURL] --wait-time-seconds 20

Visibility Timeouts

Visibility timeout is an SQS feature that helps prevent a message from being processed twice in case of failure or interruption during processing. When a message is received from the queue, it becomes invisible to other consumers for a specified period (the default visibility timeout is 30 seconds).

During the visibility timeout period, the consumer can process the message. If the processing is successful, the consumer deletes the message from the queue. If it fails for any reason (e.g., application error, network connectivity loss), the message will become visible again and can be received by the same or another consumer after the visibility timeout expires.

The visibility timeout can be increased or decreased based on your application’s message processing time. If the processing time is longer than the visibility timeout, the message might get processed twice. If the visibility timeout is too long, it can lead to delays in message processing.

Advanced Example: Suppose you have a video processing application, where video processing tasks are sent to an SQS queue. The video processing can take a long time, so you might want to increase the visibility timeout to 5 minutes to ensure that tasks have enough time to complete without being processed twice.

How Visibility Timeouts Work:

  1. Message Received: When a receiver receives a message, the message’s visibility timeout starts counting.

  2. Processing Time: The receiver has the visibility timeout duration to process the message.

  3. Message Acknowledged: If the receiver successfully processes the message, it sends a message acknowledgment (Delete Message API call) to SQS, making the message invisible to other receivers.

  4. Timeout Reached: If the visibility timeout expires before the message is acknowledged, SQS makes the message visible again, allowing another receiver to process it.

Benefits of Visibility Timeouts:

  • Prevents Message Abandonment: Ensures that messages are not indefinitely held by unresponsive receivers, preventing message loss and potential data corruption.

  • Load Balancing: Facilitates load balancing by allowing other receivers to process messages if the original receiver fails to acknowledge them within the timeout period.

  • Message Recovery: Enables message recovery by making timed-out messages available for processing again.

Importance of Setting the Right Timeout

  • Prevent Duplicate Processing: Ensures that multiple consumers do not process the same message if one consumer is already handling it.

  • Error Recovery: If the consumer fails to process a message before the timeout expires, the message becomes visible again and another consumer can attempt to process it.

How to Configure Visibility Timeout

You can set the visibility timeout on a queue or adjust it dynamically when receiving a message. The default timeout is 30 seconds, but it can be set anywhere from 0 seconds to 12 hours depending on your application’s requirements.

Example usage

In an order processing system, if processing an order typically takes 45 seconds, set the visibility timeout to about 60 seconds. This ensures the message isn’t available to another process before the current process is complete.

Dead Letter Queues

Dead letter queues are an SQS feature that helps manage messages that cannot be processed or are rejected. When a message cannot be processed after a configured number of receive attempts (set on the queue), it is moved to a separate dead letter queue.

Dead letter queues help you isolate messages that cannot be processed from the main processing flow, preventing them from causing backlogs or infinite loops in the source queue. You can analyze the messages in the dead letter queue to determine the cause of the issue and take appropriate remediation actions.

To use dead letter queues, you need to create a separate SQS queue to act as the dead letter queue. Then, you configure the source queue to move messages that cannot be processed to the dead letter queue after a specified number of receive attempts.

Advanced Example: Suppose you have a payment processing application, where payment requests are sent to an SQS queue. In case some payment requests are invalid or rejected by the payment system, you can use a dead letter queue to move those requests to a separate queue. You can then analyze the requests in the dead letter queue to identify the cause of the issue and take appropriate actions, such as contacting customers or investigating fraud.

By leveraging long polling, visibility timeouts, and dead letter queues, you can build reliable, efficient, and scalable messaging systems with SQS, ensuring timely message delivery, preventing message loss or duplication, and handling failed or problematic messages effectively.

How Dead-Letter Queues Work:

  1. Message Processing: A receiver attempts to process a message.

  2. Processing Failure: If the message processing fails due to errors or exceptions, the receiver does not acknowledge the message.

  3. DLQ Move: SQS automatically moves the unacknowledged message to the designated DLQ.

  4. Investigation and Recovery: The DLQ provides a central location to examine failed messages, identify the root cause of processing failures, and implement corrective actions.

Benefits of Dead-Letter Queues:

  • Message Persistence: Prevents message loss by retaining unprocessable messages for further investigation and potential recovery.

  • Root Cause Analysis: Facilitates root cause analysis of processing failures, enabling identification of bugs, configuration issues, or other underlying problems.

  • Message Retries: Enables mechanisms for retrying failed messages after addressing the underlying issues.

Real-World Use Cases:

  • Order Processing: In an e-commerce application, a DLQ can capture failed order processing messages, allowing for investigation and potential order resubmission.

  • Payment Processing: In a payment processing system, a DLQ can retain failed payment messages, enabling investigation and potential retry attempts.

  • Log Aggregation: In a log aggregation system, a DLQ can store failed log ingestion

Configuring a Dead Letter Queue

To set up a dead letter queue:

  1. Create another SQS queue which will serve as your DLQ.

  2. Associate this DLQ with your main queue by setting the RedrivePolicy on your main queue, specifying the DLQ and the maximum number of receives (e.g., maxReceiveCount) after which SQS moves the message to the DLQ.

Example usage

If a message in a transaction processing system fails to be processed after 5 attempts, it should be moved to a DLQ. This helps in identifying issues with particular transactions without blocking the processing of new messages.

SNS: Fanout patterns, message filtering, cross-region replication

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application (A2A) and application-to-person (A2P) communication. It enables you to decouple microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications by using publish/subscribe mechanisms.

Fanout Patterns: The Art of Message Broadcast

What is a Fanout Pattern?

The fanout pattern involves publishing a single message to a topic and then distributing that message to multiple endpoints or queues simultaneously.

SNS supports fanout patterns, which allow you to send a single message to multiple subscribers simultaneously. This pattern is useful when you need to distribute events or notifications to different components or services within your application architecture.

The fanout pattern is a powerful messaging approach in which a single message published to an SNS topic is replicated and pushed to multiple endpoints (subscribers). Endpoints can include:

  • Amazon SQS queues: For asynchronous processing.

  • HTTP(S) endpoints: For invoking APIs or webhooks.

  • AWS Lambda functions: For serverless event-driven processing.

  • Firehose delivery streams: For data streaming.

There are two main fanout patterns in SNS:

a. Topic Fanout: In this pattern, you create an SNS topic and subscribe multiple endpoints (such as AWS Lambda functions, HTTP/S webhooks, Amazon SQS queues, or email addresses) to that topic. When you publish a message to the topic, SNS delivers the message to all subscribed endpoints in parallel.

b. FIFO Topic Fanout: This pattern is similar to the topic fanout, but it ensures that messages are delivered to subscribers in the exact same order they were published. FIFO (First-In-First-Out) topics are suitable for scenarios where order preservation is critical, such as in financial transactions or event-driven workflows.

Advanced Example: Imagine you have an e-commerce application where order events need to be distributed to multiple services, such as inventory management, shipping, and billing. You can create an SNS topic and subscribe these services to it. When a new order is placed, you can publish an event to the SNS topic, and SNS will fanout the event to all subscribed services simultaneously, enabling parallel processing of the order.

Key Use Cases for Fanout Patterns:

  • Parallel Processing: Distribute messages to multiple consumers for parallel message processing, optimizing workload distribution and increasing throughput.

  • Real-time Notifications: Broadcast real-time updates or alerts to a diverse range of subscribers, such as mobile devices, email subscribers, or other services.

  • Workflow Coordination: Trigger multiple downstream workflows or processes in response to a single event, orchestrating complex interactions.

Common Fanout Architectures:

  • SNS Topic Subscriptions: The simplest fanout pattern involves creating an SNS topic and subscribing multiple endpoints (SQS queues, Lambda functions, HTTP endpoints) directly to the topic.

  • SNS with SQS: Decouple message production and consumption by using SQS as an intermediary. Publishers send messages to the SNS topic, which fans out to multiple SQS queues, each with its own set of consumers.

Example of Fanout Pattern

Consider an e-commerce system where an order completion triggers:

  • Sending an email confirmation to the customer.

  • Updating the inventory database.

  • Logging the order details for analysis.

By using SNS with a fanout pattern, the order service publishes a single message to an SNS topic immediately after the order is completed. Subscribers to this topic (email service, inventory service, and logging service) then receive the message and process it independently.

Message Filtering: Precision Targeting

SNS supports message filtering, which allows you to filter incoming messages based on specific criteria and route them to different subscribers accordingly. This feature helps you design more efficient and targeted messaging architectures.

Message filtering in SNS is based on message attributes, which are key-value pairs that you can attach to your messages. You can define filter policies for your subscriptions, specifying which message attributes and values should be matched for the message to be delivered to that subscription.

Advanced Example: Consider a scenario where you have a centralized logging system that receives log events from multiple applications. You can publish log events to an SNS topic, attaching the application name and log level as message attributes. Then, you can create different subscriptions with filter policies to route specific log events to different destinations based on the application name or log level. For instance, you could route critical log events from all applications to a dedicated monitoring system, while routing informational logs from specific applications to separate analytics pipelines.

How Message Filtering Works:

  • Message Attributes: During message publishing, you can set custom message attributes (key-value pairs) that describe the message’s content or context.

  • Filter Policies: When subscribing to an SNS topic, subscribers define filter policies that specify criteria based on message attributes.

  • Filtering Logic: SNS evaluates each published message against the filter policies of its subscribers, only delivering the message to consumers whose filters match.

Filtering in Action:

  • Order Processing: An order processing system may filter order notifications based on order status (e.g., “new,” “shipped,” “canceled”) to trigger specific workflows.

  • Alerting Systems: A security monitoring system could filter security alerts based on severity (e.g., “low,” “medium,” “high”) to route alerts to different teams.

Cross-Region Replication: Enforcing Resilience

SNS supports cross-region replication, which enables you to replicate messages from one SNS topic in one AWS region to another SNS topic in a different AWS region. This feature is useful for disaster recovery, ensuring high availability, and reducing latency for globally distributed applications.

To enable cross-region replication, you create a topic in the source region and configure it to replicate messages to a topic in the destination region. SNS automatically replicates messages published to the source topic to the destination topic, allowing subscribers in the destination region to receive and process the messages.

Advanced Example: Let’s say you have a real-time data processing pipeline that ingests and processes data from various sources globally. You can set up an SNS topic in the US-East-1 region and configure it to replicate messages to another SNS topic in the EU-West-1 region. This way, you can have data processing components in both regions, ensuring low latency for data sources located closer to each region, while maintaining high availability and disaster recovery capabilities.

SNS provides powerful messaging capabilities, including fanout patterns for parallel message distribution, message filtering for targeted routing, and cross-region replication for high availability and global reach. By leveraging these features, you can build highly scalable, event-driven architectures that enable efficient communication between distributed components and services within your applications.

How Cross-Region Replication Works:

  1. Primary Region: You create an SNS topic in your primary AWS region.

  2. Secondary Regions: You configure cross-region replication, specifying the secondary AWS regions where you want to mirror the SNS topic.

  3. Automatic Replication: AWS SNS automatically replicates messages published to the primary topic into corresponding topics in the secondary regions.

  4. Local Subscribers: In each secondary region, subscribers can subscribe to the replicated topics as if they were local, ensuring low-latency messaging.

Benefits of Cross-Region Replication:

  • Disaster Recovery: In case of a regional outage, critical messages are still available in secondary regions, facilitating disaster recovery and minimizing downtime.

  • Global Reach: Extend messaging services and notification systems across multiple geographic locations, reaching a global audience.

  • Latency Reduction: Localized messaging in secondary regions can reduce latency for users and services in those regions.

How to Implement Cross-Region Replication

While SNS does not natively support cross-region replication, you can implement it using AWS Lambda functions or other AWS services like SQS. The typical process involves:

  • Creating SNS topics in multiple regions.

  • Using AWS Lambda to subscribe to the primary region’s topic.

  • The Lambda function then republishes received messages to topics in other regions.

Example of Cross-Region Replication

Imagine a global application that needs to push notifications to users worldwide. By setting up SNS topics in multiple regions (e.g., US, Europe, Asia), and using Lambda functions to replicate messages across these topics, you can ensure that notifications are always sent from a region close to the user, reducing latency and improving delivery success.