Redshift – xem cluster resize status
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Sau khi resize thì xem lại tốn bao time resize, và bắt đầu khi nào đc k?
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting AWS Support, my name is Andy and I will be assisting with this case today.
Based on your response, I understand that you would like to know whether it is possible to check the completion time and the time taken after resizing the cluster. Please correct me if I have misunderstood you.
First, I have already tested to resize the cluster like your scenario. When I checked the console, I saw the same information as your attachment.
In addition, you can see the lower right side of attachment; the button of Events can see the more detail of information as below. The information includes the started time, ended time and the time taken. Thus, you are able to check the completion time and the time taken on the console.
“The resize for Amazon Redshift cluster ” completed at 2022-04-19 02:24 UTC, and the cluster is available for reads and writes. The resize was initiated at 2022-04-19 02:12 UTC and took 0 hours 11 minutes to complete.”
Hope the above information is helpful.
Have a good day!
We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this correspondence using the AWS Support Center link at the end of this correspondence. Each correspondence can also be rated by selecting the stars in top right corner of each correspondence within the AWS Support Center.
Best regards,
Andy L.
Amazon Web Services
-> Vấn đề:
→ Câu hỏi: tại sao in progress và succeeded đều là 0?
AWS trả lời:
As the amount of data will affect the remaining time, I created the two kinds of configurations in the testing. The first test has a few data and the second test has at least 1GB data in the cluster.
When I tried to resize the cluster for the first test, the result of the remaining time was 0 as you mentioned. But if I tried to resize the cluster for the second test, the result of the remaining time was “2,055”. Thus, we can understand that the remaining time is related to the amount of data.
"TargetNodeType": "dc2.8xlarge",
"TargetNumberOfNodes": 2,
"TargetClusterType": "multi-node",
"Status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"AvgResizeRateInMegaBytesPerSecond": 0.6109,
"TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes": 1427,
"ProgressInMegaBytes": 171,
"ElapsedTimeInSeconds": 729,
"EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds": 2055,
"ResizeType": "ClassicResize",
"TargetEncryptionType": "NONE",
"DataTransferProgressPercent": 11.98
Also, I saw the attachment as you mentioned. The value of “TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes” is only 695 in your cluster so I think you can try to increase the data and resize the cluster again. Then, I believe you can see the remaining time except for the zero.
For more information please check the document.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me and I shall be more than happy to assist.
→ kết luận rằng: EstimatedTimeToComplete còn phụ thuộc vào số lượng data. Data của em ở đây quá ít, nên mới hiển thị 0 như trên. Khi họ test với data nhiều hơn thì không bị số 0 như vậy nữa.
Tuy là về logic thì cũng không đc thuyết phục lắm, nhưng họ đã làm test và cũng khẳng định như vậy rồi, thì có thể là đặc điểm của redshift này nó thế, cũng không có cách nào giải thích hợp lý hơn